Where Nutritional Therapy & NLP team up for the best you.

You are unique, there’s only one you!

I believe to be truly healthy you cannot simply pick one area of life to focus on for optimal health- rather you need to care for yourself in all aspects: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, & Physical. In my one on one coaching i work with you on all areas for optimal health.

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You may be wondering what does spirituality have to do with my health? Very often our health follows a top to bottom healing process. From Spiritual-mental-emotional-physical when we heal and nourish our spiritual health (what ever that may be for you) the other areas of health begin to align. In our one on one coaching we will work on your spiritual health & practices to align your actions and health.

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Your unconscious mind directs 95% of your daily actions! We often have negative thought processes or events from our past that keep us stuck. In my one on one coaching I help you rewire your brain to release those thoughts, events, and emotions that keep you stuck. You’ll learn techniques to manage anxiety & stress, release traumas, ditch those negative tapes you've been playing in your head and install positive beliefs on an unconscious level.

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We keep our selves so busy that we forget to take a minute to see what’s going on for us on the inside. Disconnection and reaching your goals no matter what is valued more than emotional intelligence. However, when we take the time to connect to our unconscious mind and see how we are really feeling we got some amazing feedback. We get to course correct and work on our emotional health. In our one on one coaching you will learn tools and techniques to increase your emotional intelligence and ways to become happier in life.



To achieve physical health you need an approach that’s tailored to YOU. Everyone has different health needs and I provide you with a plan that addresses your unique health needs. After you complete your assessment I take you through the results and the recommendations to heal your body and reach your goals. I also help you crush those cravings for good that keep you from sticking to a plan. Your habits are greatly influenced by your thoughts and daily actions. I combine NLP techniques with a bio-individual plan so you can reach optimal health.


About Annette

Annette is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Mental Wellness Coach. As a trained psychotherapist and master NLP coach, she helps clients achieve a wide range of personal, emotional and physical health goals.  Her individual approach to each client's health journey includes fully customized nutritional protocols based on each person’s bio-individuality. By combining nutrition with mindset coaching, Annette focuses on healing the whole person: spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. To find out more, you can connect with her hit the button below to connect