Annette Lopez Annette Lopez

Mindset- mental health


Your brain’s infinite power

The very definition of empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.

That is exactly what I want for you at Creatively Nourished. In the practical sense, the topic of Empowerment often feels less tangible in nature – but it’s just as important.

Your unconscious mind is the part of your mind that makes your heart beat, legs walk, & directs so many other actions and bodily functions without you having to think about it. When you work on and with that part of your mind you can make mass change. Your unconscious mind directs 95% of your daily actions; work with the part of your mind that makes the most change!

I utilize NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming and other spiritual, emotional psychology techniques to help you change your life.

NLP is:

  “The study of results”

“The study of excellence”

“Mental / emotional mastery”

“A users manual for the brain” 

“The study of subjective experience and how it affects our behavior” 

 “A pattern interrupt”

I have seen massive change in my life and my clients lives when they make the commitment and investment into their mindset. You can literally change old habits, beliefs and patterns in minutes. When you do that you free up more energy emotionally and physically to do what you want to do and be in good health. When you are in good health you want to be present, accomplish great things, and have an appreciation for life. You can feel grateful for life and all that it entails; you feel empowered. You have an energy, a glow, a light in you that is amazing.

At Creatively Nourished, I want you to feel empowered in your life. We have an enormous influence on our health, moods, and fitness by what we eat, think, and do. Your perception influences how you experience life.

Let me help you put all the pieces together so that you can enjoy your life and be empowered.

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Annette Lopez Annette Lopez

Beat depression with your fork

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Overcoming depression is what has kept me eating in optimal diet for 10 years. Long ago I was 70lbs heavier than I am now and dealt with major depression. I had no idea that my food choices and nutritional deficiencies we're contributing to the problem. You see I was eating organic everything, organic bread, cheese, beans, and soy. But after my quarter life crisis and realizing that my depression was getting worse, I saw a functional medicine doctor who said the way you're eating is contributing to your depression. 


You see I was a psychotherapist at the time, and no one had said that nutrition was a contributing factor so I decided to do some research and what I found was insightful . All the foods I was eating were highly inflammatory and contributed to my getting leaky gut which contributes to mental health tremendously. Over 40% of the population has been found to have inadequate intakes of vitamin A comma see, D, and E, calcium, and magnesium and more so among obese individuals (Agarwal, Reider, Brooks, & Fulgoni, 2015). 


Depression can arise from systemic inflammation (eating foods you have a sensitivity too, that are inflammatory or have lectins) as well as mental or perceived stress. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as B vitamins (biotin, folic acid, B6, B1, and B12) Vitamin C, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and vitamin D. 


Over the last few months junk food sales of items like pretzels have risen by 47% , popcorn Is up 48% , potato chips are up 30% , and alcohol sales are up 55%! 


All of these foods being devoid of nutrients, as well as disrupting blood sugar, gut function, and contributing to systemic inflammation it's no wonder mental health issues are on the rise. The Federal Emergency hotline for emotional distress had a 1000% increase in April compared to the same time last year. 


It's no longer a matter of the quarantine 15, but how can we contribute to improving our mental health. We will soon see the ramifications of how eating junk food, staying indoors, not exercising, and having little to no contact with other people will have on our society. In the interim let's focus on how we can improve our health an immune system.


Focus on an anti-inflammatory diet full of low lectin veggies, grass fed grass finished beef, pastured or heritage chick in pork, wild caught fish , and healthy fats to cook with. You will boost your nutrient levels, lift your mood , have more supple and youthful skin , and more energy throughout the day. 


Be on the lookout for my list of optimal foods to fill your day with.  

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Annette Lopez Annette Lopez

Depression looks like what?

I never knew depression could look like this.


The world has been an interesting place for the past few months. It seems like things are constantly changing and our main concern is our health. Physical health has been the main concern that is, but what about our mental well-being.

In many places’ lockdown has been going on for at least two months strong with limited contact with loved ones. We are starting to see the repercussions of social distancing, and physical distancing on our mental well-being. But so many of us don't even know what depression looks like. And our idea of it comes from movies and TV shows.

It's estimated that clinical depression has been the leading cause of disability in the United States for people who are 15 to 44 years old! That means it affects about 14.8 million American adults (James, Dr.Matt 2017)

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of what depression looks like:

  •  sadness or a sense of emptiness

  • feelings of hopelessness or helplessness

  • suicidal thoughts

  • irritability

  • poor concentration

  • loss or gain of body weight (that is more than 5% and is not related to in intentional dieting or health issues - thyroid)

  • poor self-esteem

  • the inability to experience pleasure 

  • listlessness and lethargy

For men depression can look quite different. Men tend to report fatigue and other physical ailments such as stomachache, headache, back pain, constipation, diarrhea. And sleep problems come up often either not being able to sleep or sleeping too much. Men find themselves constantly angry or hostile rather than sad. And they identify as being stressed rather than sad and they may complain about loss of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction.

If you find yourself exhibiting some of the above symptoms know that there are many tools and techniques to get rid of depression. And they don't always involve years of psychotherapy. I know I used to be a psychotherapist and now work as a mental wellness and nutritional therapist. I utilize a technique called Mental Emotional Release that helps you release depression, anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, even PTSD within minutes. From there we work on setting up your life in a way that supports your new goals and perspective on life you want to have. There are so many ways to get out of depression and when you work on the mindset piece and nutrition massive change can happen.

Actionable steps you can take today to help improve your mood. Have a morning practice listing 3 things you are grateful for and WHY. The why is key, it helps you have a deeper appreciation for those things. Surround yourself with positive people and content; meaning listen to podcasts, read books, watch movies that lift your spirits. Nutritionally focus on grass fed beef, wild caught fish, pastured chicken, veggies, nuts/seeds and minimal fruit. These foods will help lower inflammation in the body, regulate your blood sugar, and begin to heal gut distress. Hint gut distress is a major factor in depression. Foods like sugar, grains, beans, soy, industrial seed oils (canola, sunflower, safflower, corn, rice bran) and alcohol all contribute to inflammation in the body. Again this is a trade off trade the foods that further mood symptoms for ones that encourage better moods, are anti aging, and help you have more energy. Also there’s no need to cut out dessert i have a free paleo ebook all on desserts to help you find great alternatives to the normal comfort foods. Check out it

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